Cultural Heritage Management Plans
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) are required for projects where the proposed development is a high impact activity and the activity area is located within an area of cultural heritage sensitivity.

Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Tests
A Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Test (PAHT) is a mechanism by which a Sponsor can seek certification from Aboriginal Victoria that there is no requirement for a CHMP to be prepared for a project.

Archaeological Salvage Works
Most CHMPs that identify Aboriginal places of moderate or high scientific significance will require surface artefact collection, manual salvage excavations or mechanical salvage excavations, or a combination of these archaeological salvage services.

Letters of Advice Regarding Heritage
We pride ourselves on providing free preliminary advice, but sometimes formal letters of advice explaining legislative requirements are required to satisfy relevant statutory authorities.

Historical Heritage Assessments
Historical heritage assessments may be required for projects where existing historical archaeological sites are present or are newly identified as a result of fieldwork. Harm to these sites may require a Consent or a Permit.
Archaeological Services
Jem Archaeology offers the following services:
- Archaeological and cultural heritage advice
- Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs)
- Historical Heritage Assessments (HHAs)
- Due Diligence Assessments
- Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Tests (PAHTs)
- Background research (Desktop Assessment)
- Archaeological survey (Standard Assessment)
- Archaeological test excavation (Complex Assessment)
- Archaeological salvage excavation
- Archaeological monitoring
- Aboriginal and historical artefact recording, analysis and interpretation (specialising in Aboriginal flaked stone artefacts)
- Aboriginal and historical archaeological site identification, recording, interpretation and significance assessment
- Environmental Effects Statement technical reports
- Permit and Consent to Disturb applications
- Stakeholder consultation with clients, landowners, regulatory bodies, Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs), RAP applicants, Traditional Owners, Native Title holders and other stakeholders
- Risk and opportunities assessments
- Peer reviews
- Development of recommendations in accordance with relevant legislation and stakeholder interests
- Cultural heritage awareness training/inductions
- Compliance inspections
Jem Archaeology Pty Ltd is an archaeological and cultural heritage management consultancy based in Melbourne, Victoria. Jem Archaeology provides professional, ethical and affordable cultural heritage management advice and assessments within Victoria for a range of clients. The Jem Archaeology team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we work on and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging. For further information download our Statement of Capability.